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We're back! Welcome To the New Website!

Updated: Mar 30, 2022

It's been a long road, getting from there to here...

But after a while without a website update, we're glad to be back online! The 404s have indeed been keeping busy during this pandemic, and we're sorry to have let this website fall behind during the past couple years.

For anyone in the creative arts, Covid has made our lives challenging in many ways. As a group that thrived on live performance and interacting with fellow nerds, not having a single live show to do so for well over a year (and counting, for some of us!) has been weird to say the least.

Still, The 404s have managed to adapt and keep busy in more ways than one. Like many improv groups, We took to the online show format, delivering some (mostly!) monthly hilarity via our Twitch stream channel. The cast members scattered around Canada came together as never before and created some really great comedy. And we're still doing it! Check out our Twitch channel and save the date on our next show, tentatively planned for Saturday, March 5.

On Stage and Behind the Scenes

As long as we're able to safely do so, The 404s are working actively with our regular shows and hope to be able to be on stage and in front of real live human beings this year in Calgary, Edmonton and Toronto. We were happy that our Calgary cast was able to perform in a compliant manner at the recent Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo. This helped us not only shake off the rust and mount a small, but awesome couple of shows, but it helped teach us important lessons that will help us fully return to stage in the months ahead. Please stay tuned for announcements on our social media!

And finally, some changes have occurred behind the scenes. As has been a constant in any long-lived improv team, some of our members have moved on to their next challenges, and we wish them well - and this means that others have stepped up to take a stronger role in shaping the direction of The 404s as we hopefully get closer to the end of this pandemic.

Notably, you'll see a major change reflected in this new website - we now have a full cast in our three home cities! The 404s used to be divided into "Westside" and "Eastside" casts, which was great years ago but didn't reflect our evolution and change as a national team. And so, we've decided to separate things into three casts, all in the name of helping our events better and allowing our performers to grow.

Stay Tuned!

There will be lots (LOTS!) more in the weeks and months to come. With any luck we'll have to exciting announcements coming soon, and we all dearly hope to be able to see our friends, fans and followers in the flesh again in 2022. Until then, stay safe, and stay nerdy!

To finish off, here's a picture of a pie. Not JUST because it was part of the template for the blog, but because we love pie. Mmm, pie...

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